On what I walk to see...

"Objects do not have any intrinsic meaning- that meaning is conferred on them by us- and that different people, and the same person at different times, may confer different meanings on the same object." (Hammersley, 1989, p. 135)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

2012台北草地樂活節演場會 2012 LOHAS concert

Given my ordinary speed of slow and stop, after having been on my feet for a while, I usually would find some place nice to sit down and get some work done.

Sunday morning, I decided to take some pictures of the Presidential Palace from all different angles and was gonna make it a short day for my roaming around in town at my two speeds... Then, when I was almost done with the picture-taking business, I heard singing and dancing in the park...

Interesting... there seems to be a concert or some sort of a gathering in the 228 Memorial Park... with a whole lot of seats to choose from!  Based on a poster that I glanced through as I walked in... a famous Taiwanese singer Bobby Chen (陳昇) would also be performing at the concert as well...

So I sat down and watched the performance by local band and brave kids fighting cancer off... while, at points, plowed away doing some more work in festivity.

Working is apparently the best time-killer...  Or, I could have kept on working away except for... voila... here comes the singer and the band on stage...

While, in the middle of his performance, Bobby Chen shared a few words on his thoughts about nuclear energy and the disposition of the nuclear waste.... (Ya, nuclear waste is a global issue.  Otherwise, it would simply be called "waste" without nuclear attaché..)

At the end of the concert, I walked out and bewildered...  "How on earth did I land here at a live concert while all that I planned to do was to take a picture or two of the Presidential Palace?"

Perhaps, sometimes it is a good thing that things don't always go as I plan? lol


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